the founder of Crystalmysty, Julie Célié, a visionary leader in the field of crystal healing. Julie Célié graduated from the University of the Arts London and has over 12 years of experience in mindfulness quantum energy studies.
Julie's journey in exploring the realms of mindfulness and quantum energy led her on a transformative path of discovery. Over the course of seven years, she embarked on a global pilgrimage, immersing herself in diverse spiritual traditions. Drawing wisdom from these ancient teachings, Julie synthesized her knowledge to create Crystalmysty.
Crystalmysty is grounded in the principles of bio-magnetic fields, quantum mechanics, and the vibrational energy of crystals. Through personalized solutions, Crystalmysty aims to realign and harmonize disrupted energy fields, facilitating purification and healing.
With a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, Crystalmysty offers a holistic approach to well-being.


Users benefit from crystal grid kits as they offer a personalized and effective way to harness the potent energy of crystals for various purposes. These kits are meticulously crafted to harmonize energy, amplify intentions, and enhance spiritual practices. By carefully selecting and arranging crystals in geometric patterns, users can create energetic vortices that manifest intentions more effectively, influencing the energy frequency within the human body, surrounding space, and spiritual dimensions. Moreover, customization options allow alignment with personal or astrological signs, ensuring optimal resonance and support on one's unique journey . In essence, crystal grid kits serve as versatile allies in holistic well-being and spiritual evolution, fostering a profound connection between individuals and the transformative power of crystal energy.


Through an understanding of quantum crystal resonance energy and its multifaceted effects on the body, mind, and space, individuals can harness the transformative power of crystals to promote holistic well-being and elevate consciousness.
Body: Quantum crystal resonance energy interacts with the body's subtle energy systems, including the chakras, meridians, and bio-magnetic fields. Crystals possess unique vibrational frequencies that resonate with specific energy centers within the body, facilitating energy flow and balance. Through the process of entrainment, the body's vibrational frequency harmonizes with that of the crystals, promoting physical vitality, vitality, and wellness.
Mind: Quantum crystal resonance energy has a profound impact on the mind, influencing thoughts, emotions, and consciousness. Crystals serve as conduits for channeling and amplifying energy, aiding in mental clarity, emotional stability, and spiritual awakening. By aligning with the frequencies of higher consciousness, individuals can experience enhanced intuition, creativity, and inner peace.
Space: Quantum crystal resonance energy extends beyond the individual to influence the energetic environment or space surrounding them. Crystals emit subtle energies that interact with the surrounding space, purifying and harmonizing the energetic atmosphere. Through the process of energy clearing and alignment, crystals can transform stagnant or negative energy into vibrant and positive vibrations, creating a sacred and harmonious space conducive to healing and growth.

Each crystal brings its own vibe. With the mindfulness box, we can tune those funky frequencies between body, mind, and space, restoring harmony and balance. It's all about leveling up our lives, bodies, and minds for a more harmonious existence.
You can fine-tune your vibe or rack up mindfulness energy points. Share the mindfulness box with loved ones for a collective energy boost.
The crystal grid mindfulness box offers versatile applications:
  • 1. Energy Training: Utilize the grid crystal kit and star plate to arrange formations that harmonize body, soul, and space frequencies, facilitating a return to positivity and balance in daily life.
  • 2. Mindfulness Yoga: Elevate your mindfulness yoga practice by incorporating the crystal kit to amplify universal energy connections. This enhances focus, clarity, and spiritual alignment during each session.
  • 3. Crystal Healing: Explore the depths of crystal healing with the mindfulness box. Follow the chakra healing methods and other techniques outlined in the manual to address specific physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, promoting holistic wellness.
  • 4. Mindfulness Offerings: Extend gratitude and reverence by offering crystal energy to the divine. By sharing these blessings, you invite greater protection and spiritual support into your life and surroundings.
  • Ps:To assist you in your journey, we've prepared a comprehensive crystal energy practice manual.